Social Media Week1

First and only lecture with Ian Knox, the rest of Social Media Marketing will be delivered online.

Not a person in the room not on Facebook, but are we over it? Ian wants to scare us – our parents are on there! That might wash for pre-teens and adolescents but social media is public conversations and of all people shouldn’t we be connected to our parents?

The point is maybe young people will be looking for something new and surely many developers are working to provide it. Ian reckons Facebook has peaked, big call.

Social media is so much more than Facebook – blog/website most common. Then there’s Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, email newsletters, Reddit, Tumblr, Google+ and so much more.

Ian assumes we just want to know how to get through the course – let’s go through the assignments.

Content is king, must be able to write copy. Tell a story, write one using Storify.

Twitter is searchable, it has archives. Facebook has no indices or tags and is hard to search – even your own content.

Two elements of social media:

1. What am I saying (broadcasting)

2. What are people saying about me (listening)

Three parts to a story:

1. Main point

2. Because

3. Example

Irony of the class – Ian talking about some people he’s working with whose language in a campaign was too academic, needed to be simple, shorter, to the point. This, in a lecture, from an academic. Welcome to marketing.